변경 일자 : 2021.12.20
순번 | 지역 | 국가 | 기관명 | 기관명(약자) | URL |
1 | 중남미 | 페루 | National Authority for Data Protection | ANPD | https://www.gob.pe/anpd |
2 | 중남미 | 콜롬비아 | Superintendence of Industry and Commerce | SIC | https://www.sic.gov.co |
3 | 중남미 | 멕시코 | National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data | INAI | https://home.inai.org.mx |
4 | 북미 | 캐나다 | Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia | OIPC | https://www.oipc.bc.ca |
5 | 북미 | 캐나다 | Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada | OPC | https://www.priv.gc.ca/en |
6 | 북미 | 미국 | Federal Trade Commission | FTC | https://www.ftc.gov |
7 | 아시아 대양주 | 홍콩 | Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data | PCPD | https://www.pcpd.org.hk |
8 | 아시아 대양주 | 호주 | Information Commissioner Northern Territory | - | https://infocomm.nt.gov.au |
9 | 아시아 대양주 | 호주 | Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner | OVIC | https://www.ovic.vic.gov.au |
10 | 아시아 대양주 | 호주 | Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland | OIC | https://www.oic.qld.gov.au |
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